Visitor rules

  1. Entrance to the premises with motorised vehicles is only possible with the permission of the operator of Zoologická zahrada Tábor, a. s. Entrance to the premises without the permission is strictly prohibited.
  2. Motorised vehicles parking is permitted only in designated parking areas.
  3. Visitors are obligated to maintain cleanliness and order. Garbage can only be disposed of in designated places.
  4. Entrance to the premises with dogs is possible only if the owner keeps the dog on a leash and the dog is fully controllable. Free movement of dogs and other animals at the premises is strictly prohibited.
  5. Visitors must clean up any excrement of their four-legged pets.
  6. During the tour of the zoo, it is not allowed to enter the enclosures or any other spaces not intended for the public.
  7. It is forbidden to use radio cassette players and other players for loud music.
  8. It is forbidden to feed, disturb or endanger the animals in any way.
  9. It is forbidden to stroke or otherwise be in direct contact with the animals. Do not touch animals in the Children Contact Zoo.
  10. Animals have their daily routines. Please do not force them to be active by stimulating them. If you want to see these animals active, visit our zoo at different times of the day.
  11. The safety of children and damage they cause, or their inappropriate behaviour, is the responsibility of their legal representatives, in the case of school trips or children’s recreational activities the responsibility is borne by their teachers.
  12. It is forbidden to pick and destroy flowers, trees, bushes and other vegetation at the zoo and in its vicinity.
  13. In the event of damage to property or equipment at the zoo, the damages will be claimed against the person causing such damage.
  14. Staff are permitted not to allow entrance or expel from the premises drunk people, people under the influence of narcotics and people disturbing the proper operation and safety of the zoo.
  15. It is forbidden to bring in alcoholic beverages.
  16. It is strictly forbidden to climb the trees, enclosures, fencing and other facilities at the zoo.
  17. The visitors are obligated to follow instructions given by the staff.
  18. By entering the zoo, each visitor undertakes to fully follow and abide by these rules.
  19. It is strictly forbidden to bring in and use any pyrotechnic devices.

Thank you for your visit and we wish you a pleasant stay.

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